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Articles by: Ackcent Cybersecurity

Ackcent above and beyond in Spain with Stuart McClure, President and Founder at Cylance

Ackcent above and beyond in Spain with Stuart McClure, President and Founder at Cylance

Past May 30th, ISMS Forum , Spanish Association for the Promotion of Information Security, celebrated the 21st edition of the International Information Security Conference Cyber Risk Appetite in the new Digital Revolution

Initial Access – Drive-by Compromise (T1189)

Initial Access – Drive-by Compromise (T1189)

This post is the first of a series of posts that will provide a better understanding about the techniques used by adversaries to reach their tactical objectives.

Basics- Linux Events Logging

Basics- Linux Events Logging

In this post we will cover the basics of Event Logging in Linux systems. We will talk about Syslog: Message structure, the most famous implementations and main configurations.

In-depth Freemarker Template Injection

In-depth Freemarker Template Injection

During a recent engagement, our AppSec team faced an interesting instance of limited Server Side Template Injection in Freemarker.

First proactive behavioral analytics solution CylancePERSONA

First proactive behavioral analytics solution CylancePERSONA

Newest Addition to Leading Native AI Platform Provides Continuous User Authentication Across the Organization Using the Cylance Trust Score.

Recovering SQLCipher encrypted data with Frida

Recovering SQLCipher encrypted data with Frida

Our AppSec team has faced the SQLCipher library during some recent security audits of mobile applications. According to their GitHub README:

A walkthrough  of the new Windows 0 day released on twitter

A walkthrough of the new Windows 0 day released on twitter

Recently, a new zero-day vulnerability was made public following a Tweet from @SandboxEscaper, who claimed to be frustrated with Microsoft and their bug submission process.

Regarding the recently discovered RCE in Git

Regarding the recently discovered RCE in Git

Etienne Stalmans (@_staaldraad) recently discovered a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in the version-control software Git (CVE-2018-11235).

Las Tres Computadoras y el hacker ético de Ciberseguridad Ackcent

Las Tres Computadoras y el hacker ético de Ciberseguridad Ackcent

Once upon a time there was a company who had three computers within its infrastructure. The first computer was placed on the DMZ and was configured by default by the IT Manager.

Seven tips for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Seven tips for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is meant to be complied with by each data controller and data processor within the European Union (EU)

Hacking the Smart City

Hacking the Smart City

This November we will once again witness the unstoppable digital transformation that cities were undergone at Smart City Expo Empower Cities, Empower People

KRACK or “How WPA2 did not die”

KRACK or “How WPA2 did not die”

Mathy Vanhoefm published a set of attacks against the Wi-Fi security protocol WPA2 with the name Key Reinstallation Attacks, or KRACKS.