Articles by: Ackcent Cybersecurity

Seven tips for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Seven tips for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is meant to be complied with by each data controller and data processor within the European Union (EU)

Hacking the Smart City

Hacking the Smart City

This November we will once again witness the unstoppable digital transformation that cities were undergone at Smart City Expo Empower Cities, Empower People

KRACK or “How WPA2 did not die”

KRACK or “How WPA2 did not die”

Mathy Vanhoefm published a set of attacks against the Wi-Fi security protocol WPA2 with the name Key Reinstallation Attacks, or KRACKS.

Where does the name Ackcent come from?

Where does the name Ackcent come from?

When we started the process of naming Ackcent, we wanted to find a brand name that could convey the expertise and passion of our team and the essence of our company.

r2wars: Shall we play a game?

r2wars: Shall we play a game?

Between September 6 and 9, the second radare2 conference (r2con) took place in Barcelona. This security conference is mainly focused in radare2, an open-source framework for reverse engineering with a great and active community.

Cloud forensic analysis, challenges and difficulties

Cloud forensic analysis, challenges and difficulties

Cloud services irruption such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform among others makes possible to confirm that it is one of the most revolving computer paradigms ever

ELK on a Raspberry Pi

ELK on a Raspberry Pi

The internet is full of bad guys that are constantly scanning all IP addresses looking for unpatched services, misconfigured servers, or simply gathering information from new targets.