End point security

Your Guide to Cloud Security Audits: Tips, Challenges, and a Definitive Checklist

Your Guide to Cloud Security Audits: Tips, Challenges, and a Definitive Checklist

Migrating to the cloud is a massive step for any business to take. As a company moves to and expands…

A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Security

A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Security

Cloud computing is changing the way we do business. It's estimated that 60% of all corporate data is stored on…

Endpoints: How to Protect from Security Threats

Endpoints: How to Protect from Security Threats

Endpoints are the cybersecurity "front line" against malware attacks. Learn best practices to keep your business safe and find out more about our EDR solution.

What AI-Driven EDR can do for you

What AI-Driven EDR can do for you

The security professional's job has become an endless game of cat-and-mouse, continually pursuing invisible attackers that can out-think, out-run and outsmart most security systems.

Basics- Linux Events Logging

Basics- Linux Events Logging

In this post we will cover the basics of Event Logging in Linux systems. We will talk about Syslog: Message structure, the most famous implementations and main configurations.

KRACK or “How WPA2 did not die”

KRACK or “How WPA2 did not die”

Mathy Vanhoefm published a set of attacks against the Wi-Fi security protocol WPA2 with the name Key Reinstallation Attacks, or KRACKS.

Cloud forensic analysis, challenges and difficulties

Cloud forensic analysis, challenges and difficulties

Cloud services irruption such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform among others makes possible to confirm that it is one of the most revolving computer paradigms ever