World Password Day Tips

World Password Day Tips

We use passwords on a daily basis - to unlock our devices, access our bank accounts, read emails, shop online... - and yet we are not fully aware of the need for good password hygiene.

World Password Day Tips

We use passwords on a daily basis – to unlock our devices, access our bank accounts, read emails, shop online… – and yet we are not fully aware of the need for good password hygiene.
Someone guessing or learning your password could access your accounts as you. This means that they could read your emails, transfer your money, post on your social media accounts as you”¦
Today is World Password Day, an annual event that aims to promote better password habits among internet users around the world.
To celebrate this day, Ackcent is sharing with you the top 4 tips to that will help keep your online accounts safe.

Contact Ackcent Cybersecurity for more information on how our educational and training programs can help your team learn good security practices.