Where does the name Ackcent come from?

Where does the name Ackcent come from?

When we started the process of naming Ackcent, we wanted to find a brand name that could convey the expertise and passion of our team and the essence of our company.

Where does the name Ackcent come from?

When we started the process of naming Ackcent, we wanted to find a brand name that could convey the expertise and passion of our team and the essence of our company.

Our brand architecture consists of a brand name and a tagline to strengthen the company’s core business; in our case, cybersecurity.

The name Ackcent comes from the contraction of three concepts: Ack, accent and copyleft.

Ack is a flag used in many telecommunications, networking and computer ack-based protocols; those that positively acknowledge the reception of messages. In other words, the receiver explicitly indicates having successfully received packets of data from the sender. The Internet’s Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is an example of an ack-based protocol.

The word accent represents the prominence given to a particular syllable in a word, or a word in a phrase. In combination with the tag cybersecurity, it shows the emphasis on the core business of the company: the protection of critical digital assets.

Copyleft is a play on the word copyright, taking the opposite meaning. Copyleft is the practice of using copyright law to offer people the right to freely and legally distribute copies and modified versions of a work preserving the same rights in derivate works. There are different types of copyleft licenses and they allow every person who receives a copy of an author’s work to reproduce, adapt or distribute it, with the requirement that any resulting copies or adaptations are also bound by the same licensing agreement.

The copyleft symbol is a backwards C in a circle, like a mirrored copyright symbol. This inspired the design of our corporate logo.

The essence of the brand comes from combining those three concepts as a way to express our aim: concentrating our efforts on making a better and more secure connected world through the sharing of knowledge.