Ryan Permeh, Cylance’s Co-Founder, attended the Ackcent Cybersecurity Lunch

Ryan Permeh, Cylance’s Co-Founder, attended the Ackcent Cybersecurity Lunch

Ackcent and Cylance got together last Thursday in Barcelona to celebrate the first cybersecurity lunch of the year.

Ryan Permeh, Cylance’s Co-Founder, attended the Ackcent Cybersecurity Lunch

Ackcent and Cylance got together last Thursday in Barcelona to celebrate the first cybersecurity lunch of the year. This get-together was attended by a number of clients and by Ryan Permeh, an expert in Artificial Intelligence and Co-Founder of Cylance.

One of the topics under discussion during the lunch was this year’s new products from Cylance, together with an explanation of the future focus of cybersecurity applications based on Artificial Intelligence.

One of the most frequent queries among clients, in relation to Cylance’s solutions, concerned how attackers are adapting their techniques to the fact that the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools is increasingly consolidated in the market.

Cylance, whose solution provides 99.998% effectiveness against cybersecurity attacks, stands out for their focus based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. That is one of the differential factors of their new generation endpoint solutions with regard to their competitors.