Ackcent and Duo Security get together in Barcelona to discuss multifactor authentication

Ackcent and Duo Security get together in Barcelona to discuss multifactor authentication

Ackcent and Duo Security got together today in Barcelona for a CyberLunch in which they presented their two-factor authentication security solution.

Ackcent and Duo Security get together in Barcelona to discuss multifactor authentication

Ackcent and Duo Security got together today in Barcelona for a CyberLunch in which they presented their two-factor authentication security solution. The lunch was also attended by a number of clients and members of the Ackcent and Duo Security team.

Over lunch, Duo Security talked about the advantages of their solution, including full visibility and control over users and devices that access their cloud-based applications.

Ackcent is a Duo Security strategic partner for Spain, and its security portfolio includes their multifactor authentication solution (MFA), which is a leader in push technology and guarantees easy and efficient use.